Medically Compromised Patients
Many times patients have complex medical histories that keep them getting the dental treatment that they need. Dr. McBrine has experience working with physicians to achieve the best strategy for each individual patient and their individual health needs including:
-Oral evaluation prior to head and neck cancer surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy
-Restorative dental care following head and neck surgery
-Oral evaluation prior to heart valve replacement
-Patients on blood thinners needing an extraction
Dr. McBrine has received advanced training to offer care to patients of all ages with special needs who might not be able to receive dental care in a traditional dental setting. Sometimes patients greatly benefit from extra time to get familiar with the office and staff or comprehensive specialized services including sedation. Dr. McBrine has experience caring for patients with a wide array of special needs including Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, extreme anxiety and dental phobia, Alzheimer’s, and others.
If complex medical needs are preventing you from getting much needed dental work, please call our office and let Dr. McBrine design a safe plan that is specific for you.
Dr. McBrine holds a Fellowship from the Special Care Dentistry Association which serves professionals that are serving patients with special needs through education and networking to increase access to oral healthcare for patients with special needs.